Note: It strikes me that some of the modern reports are completely or substantially fabricated. NUFOC offers the current parallel to NICAP’s historical case archives, so spend some time there to get up to date on what is happening now. Filer’s Files (NUFOC) Website is the next stop. After getting SHG and Project 1947 under your belt, spend time at the NICAP, CUFOS, CUFON, MUFON & NUFOC Websites (this study guide has no test questions -go where you want, sleep late, bring snacks, no problem): 4. McCarthy’s PhD dissertation on the politicking that went on behind the UFO hearings and conferences of the 1960’s, Politicking and Paradigm Shifting: James E. One item they have posted that is worth a look is Dr. Don’t give up on these sites until you have worked your way through them. If you dig deeply you will find some bad links that have gotten out of date, but there is plenty of good stuff still working.

The interface is a tiny bit cumbersome, but the content is excellent and well worth the investment- certainly the highest quality commentary content on the Web, richly garnished with a solid core of historical fact. These projects are still young and growing, but they are the work of serious historical researchers. Of core value to the subject is the work of Sign Historical Group, including their resource page as well as the Project 1947 main site. In fact, let’s make it four, with Francis Ridge’s book, Regional Encounters, also a core resource: view=1up seq=19 Why not round it out at five? The Congressional Research Service Report, 83-205, The UFO Enigma, by Marcia Smith and George Havas, is also a good starter text: 2.
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Nothing you can buy at any price goes more to the heart of the UFO phenomenon than these three free e-books. Ruppelt's classic The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects. The Hathi Trust digital library contains Edward J. NICAP offers The UFO Evidence, by Richard Hall & The Challenge of UFOs, by Charles Maney & Richard Hall. Life does an excellent job of establishing the validity of the UFO phenomenon in very few words. But before you dig into the larger texts, read the free 1952 Life magazine article offered at the Google Books Web site: “Have We Visitors From Space?,” Life magazine, vol 32, no. The following free e-books are a particularly excellent way to begin UFO study. Ufology 101-7 Quick Steps to UFO Expertise:ġ. New to the subject of UFOs? Try this online UFO study guide. They are not a statistical summary of a rigorously conducted scientific survey. *NOTE: These charts reflect a mixed-solution concept roughly matching my reading of UFO literature over 50 years. Air Force Aircraft Identification Chart: The purpose here is not to be numerically precise but only to illustrate that the UFO phenomenon is multifaceted, requiring more than one theory to cover all the bases. They are enlarged for the purpose of enhancing the visual clarity of the chart. Note 2: The sectors other than Axis WWII / Foreign Aircraft and Spiritual are, in my estimate, much smaller than depicted in these two charts. UFO Bibliography & Research Portal Copyright 2013, Rick Harrison This site was launched October 2013. Studies, Documents & Reports Audio Interviews & Web Videos UFO Research Groups UFO Journals, Mags, Bulletins & Newsletters Symposiums & Conferences Commercial DVDs, Audio & VHS Videos Report a UFO Introduction Bibliography & Comments UFO Trivia Game (free) Best UFO Websites E-Books (free) UFO Cases & History Air Force & Gov’t/Civilian Projects & Operations, Congressional Hearings, etc.